Access Control In Programming Languages

Access Control In Programming Languages

Nowadays, technologies have taken over the entire world by becoming our greatest tools. The politics surrounding our lives have also began to lean towards a fundamental value of human rights: Privacy. When developers produce software, they must be attentive to protect the privacy of the users by enforcing the security of the program. Luckily, in major programming languages, we are gifted with Access Control. A lot of people began…
Ernest Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment

Ernest Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment

In the previous article, we talked about how J.J. Thompson disproved Dalton's Atomic Theory. In this article, we will discuss the discovery of the nucleus by Rutherford. The beams are reflected and bent due to the nucleus. The beam is an alpha particle beam. credit The Gold Foil experiment was conducted by emitting alpha particle beams towards a gold foil. Most of the alpha particles from the beam passed…
J.J. Thompson’s Cathode-Ray Experiment

J.J. Thompson’s Cathode-Ray Experiment

Once upon a time, after Dalton's Atomic Theory was released to the world, J.J Thompson conducted experiments that led to contradicting Dalton's theory. Thompson discovered the presence of subatomic atoms called electrons, disproving the theory that all atoms are indivisible. His model of atomic structure was known as the Plum Pudding Model (look carefully - it actually does look kind of like a plum colored pudding). The yellow circles…
The Story of Dalton’s Atomic Theory

The Story of Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Dalton's model of an atom Once upon a time, there was John Dalton, an English scientist. He was the one that started all of this madness into chemistry - yes, you have all right to despise him. He formed an idea called Dalton's Atomic Theory, the base of where all atomic structures came from. Dalton's Atomic Theory gives four main ideas to the field of chemistry: Each element is…