Sunscreen Project: Infographics and Children’s Book

Sunscreen Project: Infographics and Children’s Book

Hi all! Throughout this school semester, I worked to address the racial misconception surrounding sunscreen use and melanoma prevention by spreading infographics around my campus, Northfield Mount Hermon School, and holding exhibitions and presentations on my children's book for universal sunscreen use. I wanted to share this with you all as well, so please check out some of the infographics and storyboards I worked on below! My research has…
Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part III]

Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part III]

Without searching up "sunscreen" + "black skin," the image of darker-skinned sunscreen use does not show up on Google, showing the rootedness of the social undermining of darker-skinned melanoma prevention. Recommendations In order to educate different populations on the danger of skin cancer and the importance of its prevention, numerous countries have implemented health interventions. Many of them focus on educating children, as damage from UV radiation is likely…
Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part II]

Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part II]

Sunscreen UV radiation exists in three forms, UVA, UVB, and UVC, in decreasing order of wavelength. While all of the UVC and most of the UVB rays are absorbed by the ozone layer, UVA rays reach and penetrate the skin, causing increased melanin production, premature skin aging, and melanoma development through gene damage and mutation (Bais et al., 2015; Del Bino et al., 2006; Miyamura et al., 2010; Young,…
Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part I]

Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part I]

One of the symptoms of melanoma; moles/darker spots in the skin Introduction Melanoma is one of the deadliest types of skin cancer. Around 132,000 people are diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer annually around the globe, and its incidence is estimated to increase as further depletion of the ozone layer brings more ultraviolet (UV) radiation to the Earth’s surface. Chronic exposure to UV radiation causes DNA damage, which can lead…
Leprosy and leprostigma: A review from the past through COVID-19

Leprosy and leprostigma: A review from the past through COVID-19

Leprosy patients and leprostigma: Present-day situation and impact of COVID-19 Compared to the past, the prevalence of leprosy has decreased prominently. Important research funding sources have stopped supporting leprosy research, perceiving it as eliminated (56). Because the disease now mainly affects only small populations in poor and developing countries, leprosy is categorized as a Neglected Tropical Disease, meaning it gains low interest in various medical industries (57). However, <1…
Leprosy and leprostigma: A review from the past through COVID-19

Leprosy and leprostigma: A review from the past through COVID-19

The consequences of leprostigma A leprosy hospital in India Leprostigma in society causes many patients with active leprosy to delay or avoid treatment (35). In Kaur and Ramesh’s research (48), nearly 77.4% of female leprosy patients in Delhi were afraid of receiving confronting questions about leprosy. Furthermore, Pelizzari et al. (49) found that some medical professionals even advised their patients to avoid discussing leprosy in public. These actions of avoiding…
Leprosy and leprostigma: A review from the past through COVID-19

Leprosy and leprostigma: A review from the past through COVID-19

Leprostigma One of the biggest obstacles in reaching the complete elimination of leprosy is universal leprostigma. The main sources of leprostigma are religious and linguistic stereotypes, misconceptions, and fear of people with deformities. Religious and linguistic stereotypes come from many sources, one being the persistence of discriminatory language, as classified by the UN special rapporteur (30). Across diverse cultures, the word ‘leprosy’ was metaphorically associated with sins, curses or…
Leprosy and leprostigma: A review from the past through COVID-19 [Part I]

Leprosy and leprostigma: A review from the past through COVID-19 [Part I]

Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae (1). Mycobacterium leprae  Leprosy patients can experience deformities that affect sight, touch, and manual dexterity. Macules, papules, and nodules are prevalent among other skin lesions (2). Along with these symptoms, leprosy patients experience immense stigma and discrimination, also called leprostigma. Leprosy can be cured using a combination of three antibiotics - rifampicin, clofazimine, and dapsone - widely known as multidrug…
How does Nicotine Addiction Work on Neurons?

How does Nicotine Addiction Work on Neurons?

Nicotine, which is an agonist—a substance that can mimic another, mimics acetylcholine by binding to neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), which are ligand-gated ion channels constructed from various subunits (Benowitz, 2010). As nicotine binds to the receptor, it generally causes depolarization of the neuron, allowing calcium and sodium to rush through the channels, and will act directly on the presynaptic terminal to release certain neurotransmitters — the catecholamines (Benowitz,…
A Historical Overview of Human Enhancement and Its Societal Impacts

A Historical Overview of Human Enhancement and Its Societal Impacts

The Rise of Genetic Technologies  In the modern era, improvements in genetic knowledge and technology have brought novel methods of human enhancement - prenatal screening, embryo selection, and genetic engineering.  The first prenatal screening was developed in the 1950s with ultrasound, and in the 1970s, implementation of real-time gray-scale imaging allowed earlier detection. Prenatal screening technology allows the identification of birth defects and chromosomal abnormalities before birth that may…