Gold Mines (Image credit)

I. Introduction


Moloqua, a middle-income country with strong diplomatic ties and a strong military is characterized by high levels of foreign trade, specifically focusing on the extractive industry. Because the country places high importance on ensuring that the mining industry is bolstering the economy, anti-mining activists protesting Mooncorps, a gold mining company whose registered office is in Vancouver, have been attacked for their actions. Mooncorps has a manufacturing office in Quasar, a remote Moloquan town, and is largely staffed by local workers. Additionally, working conditions and healthcare in Moloqua are questionable and will be investigated. 

About Amnesty International:

We are researchers of Amnesty International, an international human rights organization. While our headquarters are in New York, we work to investigate and campaign for human rights violations all over the world. We conduct thorough research through fact-finding missions in order to expose the facts and bring justice to human rights abusers and violators. We stop the injustice of all organizations and governments, no matter how powerful. We ensure that all groups respect international law and human rights. Our mission is to uphold human rights across the globe and ensure that no one is stripped off of their human rights. 


Initially, our team aimed to conduct a fact-finding mission to Moloque on the impact of U.S. drone strikes in the border region of Helleq; however, our regional office contacted us regarding recent allegations of violence against anti-mining activists protesting Mooncorps. Through this fact-finding mission, we aim to get a deeper understanding of the issue in Moloqua through interviews with multiple individuals and strive to push for human rights reform in the country. 

Background Information: 

Recently, there have been alleged acts of violence against anti-mining protesters at the MoonCorps gold mining company. Many of these protesters also included activists from CleanLand, a local environmental action group. However, the situation escalated when multiple activists were reported missing and one activist was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Activists from CleanLand protested the MoonCorps mine construction due to its harmful environmental impacts. Additionally, the valuable land that the mine sits on was previously inhabited by families of the local Sheldouin ethnic group. It was reported that MoonCorps promised these families housing, land, and jobs in order to more easily remove them from the land. However, the new land is several miles from the Sheldouin’s home. Additionally, this new land drastically reduces the families’ access to basic living needs such as food and schooling.