III. Conclusion 

Conclusions from Findings: 

Mooncorps, a gold mining company in Moloqua has clearly violated several human rights through the following: unsuitable working conditions for local workers, racial discrimination towards local workers, and meager wages, especially for local workers. By providing ex-pat workers with spacious working spaces and an adequate supply of food and water but limiting access to supplies for local workers, they have clearly discriminated against locals. Furthermore, by paying locals almost ⅕ of ex-pat wages, locals are unable to achieve a high standard of living, putting them at a disadvantage. Overall, Mooncorps has significantly discriminated against locals and should aim to increase supplies of water and food for locals as well as increase wages. These recommendations will be elaborated on in our recommendations section. 

The Moloquan government works closely with Mooncorps, making it an actor of human rights violations. As a government, it was unable to uphold the freedom of expression and speech for citizens. They have also infringed on political and civil rights by invading privacy and private property. Furthermore, their use of excessive force by the police force highlights violations of individual security and individual rights. Additionally, we found that locals are unable to seek health care and that government officials have misreported injury statistics, violating the right to adequate healthcare. Lastly, the government has discriminated against and forced the Sheldouin group to migrate from their homes for the expansion of gold mining. Overall, the government has been found to have violated the freedom of expression, right to life, and political and civil rights, and should be held accountable for their actions.


Based on the findings above, our organization has decided on the following next steps:

  1. File a complaint under the ICCPR first optional protocol, requesting interim measures to be taken to get Miya’s daughter to safety
  2. Create a robust legal framework to broadly ensure freedom of expression, including freedom of speech and assembly
  3. Ensure substantive, across the board increases in benefits, including but not limited to: two weeks yearly paid sick leave, overtime, and hazard pay
  4. Implement policies to facilitate and remove barriers to unionization among employees of Mooncorps, and throughout the private sector of Moloqua
  5. Enforce robust standards and independent agencies to monitor and investigate reports of sexual harassment and/or assault. Implementation of an anonymous sexual harassment/assault mechanism
  6. Establish an independent review mechanism of government use of force
  7. Request an environmental review of the mine along with mining operations, including potentially closing the mine if the review concludes it is necessary