The Mechanics of Pumping a Swing [part I]

The Mechanics of Pumping a Swing [part I]

Regardless of where you are from, you’ve probably had this childhood experience of pumping a swing: where you flatten your body as you go forward, and curl up as you go back. This action causes you to swing higher and higher. Until recently, I’ve never considered the physics of how this works, but it’s an interesting concept that I think is the answer to a question that has probably…
How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay

How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood In the case of many students, we learn to write a five-paragraph essay with a rigid outline. You may be learning to write formal writing, already have taken an interest, or have written essays for longer than you can remember. This article is a tool to, hopefully, help you enjoy writing your essay. So, settle into any cozy environment of your choice, and let’s…


Photo by Noelle Otto “What do you mean?” Daniel snapped his head up from his plate, eyebrows knit together. The fingers he held the knife with turned white, as he tried hard to stop himself from snapping the knife in half.   “What? This is what I mean. I feel great, and you should too. Finally, for once, they agreed on something. I’m so tired of hearing them arguing…
Amnesty International Memorandum [part III]

Amnesty International Memorandum [part III]

III. Conclusion  Conclusions from Findings:  Mooncorps, a gold mining company in Moloqua has clearly violated several human rights through the following: unsuitable working conditions for local workers, racial discrimination towards local workers, and meager wages, especially for local workers. By providing ex-pat workers with spacious working spaces and an adequate supply of food and water but limiting access to supplies for local workers, they have clearly discriminated against locals.…
Amnesty International Memorandum [part II]

Amnesty International Memorandum [part II]

Peaceful Protests (Image Credit) II. Findings Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Assembly & Association  On June 30th, CleanLand, a local environmental civil society action group, coordinated with mine workers and the local Sheldouin ethnic group to organize a peaceful protest in response to the environmental impacts of the MoonCorps mine and the working conditions of miners. In describing the protests, a mine worker stated that protesters “got burned,…
Amnesty International Memorandum [part I]

Amnesty International Memorandum [part I]

Gold Mines (Image credit) I. Introduction Overview: Moloqua, a middle-income country with strong diplomatic ties and a strong military is characterized by high levels of foreign trade, specifically focusing on the extractive industry. Because the country places high importance on ensuring that the mining industry is bolstering the economy, anti-mining activists protesting Mooncorps, a gold mining company whose registered office is in Vancouver, have been attacked for their actions.…
Constrained Optimization in COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation[Part I]

Constrained Optimization in COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation[Part I]

Introduction In the world of public health, optimization is commonly used to implement the best policies to maintain public safety. This optimization is especially important when it comes to worldwide pandemics like COVID-19. COVID-19 has affected individuals in countless ways. In holistic terms, it has affected the world in 3 big categories - economy, mortality(death) and mobility(ability to move), and social and international relationships.  In general, the financial gap…
The ‘Dumb Blonde’ Narrative

The ‘Dumb Blonde’ Narrative

I’ve been blonde for as long as I can remember. My childhood was filled with ‘dumb blonde’ jokes, and even after my bright locks faded to a light brown, I felt connected to the hair color. So much so, in fact, that I began dying my hair back to blonde at the age of 14. However, this hair color has always subjected me to playground insults. Classic ‘dumb blonde’…
The Truth Behind ‘Picture-Perfect’ Modeling: An Interview with Kristina Renaud

The Truth Behind ‘Picture-Perfect’ Modeling: An Interview with Kristina Renaud

“I was seventeen. I remember walking into the room full of people and the designer gave me this bodysuit to put on,” said Sarah Stevens, a model in the fashion industry, during her interview with Vogue. “There was no changing room, she made me just... get naked. She took one look at my body and kind of just snickered and laughed and said, ‘that’s not gonna work.’”  This experience…