A Message to the Dead

A Message to the Dead

Let me follow the smoke, look for its shadow, though not that which comes from cigarettes, burning into sickly sweet scents that will hurt, later. That is not the right one. I wish to follow the scent of burning incense, of red candles lit for the dead, of paper money and whatnot all turned to white ash, and follow the messenger, to follow the push and pull if the…
The Housekeeper and the Professor: A Creative Revision

The Housekeeper and the Professor: A Creative Revision

It has been days since the Professor broke out of his thoughts. He was confronted with an extremely difficult problem — the most expensive one in the history of the Journal of Mathematics, too — and he has been wrestling with it ever since. Money was not the Professor’s motivation, however, he was simply enjoying the difficulty of the problem. The piled checks in the mailbox from the Journal…
The Good Samaritan Experiment:

The Good Samaritan Experiment:

The Good Samaritan experiment is a famous psychology experiment inspired by the Good Samaritan parable that encourages unconditional love, help, and care for others. John M. Darley and Daniel C. Batson performed an experiment to see if helping behaviors are affected not by the personalities, but by the situational behaviors of the people. Specifically, they wished to test if the lack of time would prevent students of Princeton Seminary…
<strong>The Appeal to Religion: Order, Certainty, and Empowerment</strong>

The Appeal to Religion: Order, Certainty, and Empowerment

Religions have shaped global society throughout human history, inspiring and justifying variations of beliefs and practices. With the rise of secular practices and scientific developments, religious influences were predicted to decline; yet, religion remains widely accepted and potent in determining the norms and trends of modern society (Moore 1). Many scholars explain this popularity of religion through its appealing offering of security and comfort to believers. Accordingly, the beliefs,…
The Rise of K-Entertainment

The Rise of K-Entertainment

Out of nowhere, a non-English TV show took first place on the Netflix platform and it even is the biggest show in history. Just like the Korean movie “Parasite”, people are attracted to a thriller in a dystopian-tic setting. It was one of the first times where people used subtitles or even a dubbed version of a movie. The previous TV show on Netflix that was holding the record…
THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War

THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War

The Cold War was a war between the Soviet Union and the United States that focused on the manipulation of public opinions and ideological battles instead of military ones. The two countries actively created and reinforced negative stereotypes about each other and  Propaganda was one of the many tools in the toolbox of the Soviet Union and the U.S. utilized it actively during the Cold War across diverse mediums.…
THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part III]

THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part III]

The Soviet Union’s active response to prominent American propaganda such as the Voice of America further demonstrated its influence on the public. The Voice of America was publicly denounced, discredited, and blocked many times in the Soviet Union to counteract its compelling influence. As the Voice of America started reaching through the Iron Curtain, the Soviet Union jammed the radio frequencies used by the U.S. in an attempt to…
THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part III]

THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part III]

On the other hand, the U.S. propaganda pieces told a somewhat different narrative. The U.S. public was without a doubt exposed to pro-capitalistic, pro-American propaganda, but the public was also exposed to propagandistic pieces containing criticisms of the U.S. since the media was not under the total control of the government. The cartoon on the left explicitly describes how the U.S. characterized itself in the media. The Western world,…
THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War

THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War

The access to space was yet another opportunity for the two countries to exert superiority over the other. Soviet Union, by winning the Space Race, demonstrated technological and scientific superiority over the U.S., which showed how despite the amount of pride the U.S. has for capitalism supporting their advancements, communism could do much better. The Soviet dominion of space was also a national threat to the U.S. because space…