The Gilded Cage

The Gilded Cage

The wave of reality hit me hard. I had identified as an Asian female since birth but had not truly comprehended the consequences of this classification when living in America. The dreadful feeling of being attacked, whether by words or weapons, is what awaits me outside the bubble called school. This bubble, the same one that put me in an illusory haze, is what I have to break to…
Individual Complaint to the Human Rights Committee Under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Individual Complaint to the Human Rights Committee Under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

INDIVIDUAL COMPLAINT TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE UNDER THE OPTIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS 22 July 2020 I.  Information on the Complaint Author of the Petition:  Sarya DezmirVictim: Isaki DezmirRepresentation: Jungyeon Lee. The representative is acting by virtue of a power of attorney signed by Sarya Dezmir on July 14, 2020. II. State Concerned and Articles Violated State Party: Golenzik Articles Violated Article 19…
Foolish Fire

Foolish Fire

How did I end up here? Violent wind tangles Enzo’s already tousled hair turning it into a dark mesh of wayward strands. He blinks and tries to make sense of a foreign weight on his face. Has he been to a masquerade? No, it’s too heavy to be a carnival one. A gas mask. Why is he wearing a gas mask? The fog on the goggles clears a bit,…
Constrained Optimization in COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation [Part II]

Constrained Optimization in COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation [Part II]

In order to estimate the number of susceptible individuals in each county i, we need to consider the population size Ni and the total current COVID-19 cases Ci. Considering these factors, the estimate is given by : Ni − Ci    The Ni of the 14 Massachusetts counties ranges from 11,801 of Nantucket County to 1,618,160 of Middlesex County as of 2021. Ci is determined by data from the Massachusetts…
Cell Signaling: Enzyme-Linked Receptors

Cell Signaling: Enzyme-Linked Receptors

Introduction In the human body, hormones such as insulin and growth hormones interact with cells by enzyme-linked receptors to induce a process inside the cell. An enzyme-linked receptor is a transmembrane protein that responds to signals using an extracellular ligand-binding domain that is linked to a cytoplasmic enzymatic catalytic activity site (Dowd, F. J., & Abel, P. W. (2017). Pharmacodynamics. Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry, 2–14. This means…
‘Music’ Proves We Need More Accurate ASD Representation in Media (Movie Review)

‘Music’ Proves We Need More Accurate ASD Representation in Media (Movie Review)

The film ‘Music’ follows a young adult named Zu who has come into custody of her half-sister Music, a young girl on the autistic spectrum. While the movie aimed to exemplify the power of family and connection to one another, it ended up portraying ASD in a derogatory and disrespectful way.  The full plot goes roughly as follows: Zu, as aforementioned, has absolutely no idea how to take care…
Oral Herpes Awareness and Prevention- Part 1

Oral Herpes Awareness and Prevention- Part 1

Herpes. When asked what exactly herpes is, and what symptoms might show up, most do not know the answer. However, when coming across this word, most immediately think of sexual intercourse and associate the patient with an action of a similar degree. This stigma and misunderstanding of herpes prevent patients from visiting health professionals and correctly identifying the virus, causing unintentional spreading of the virus to their loved ones.…