The Rise of K-Entertainment

The Rise of K-Entertainment

Out of nowhere, a non-English TV show took first place on the Netflix platform and it even is the biggest show in history. Just like the Korean movie “Parasite”, people are attracted to a thriller in a dystopian-tic setting. It was one of the first times where people used subtitles or even a dubbed version of a movie. The previous TV show on Netflix that was holding the record…
THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War

THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War

The Cold War was a war between the Soviet Union and the United States that focused on the manipulation of public opinions and ideological battles instead of military ones. The two countries actively created and reinforced negative stereotypes about each other and  Propaganda was one of the many tools in the toolbox of the Soviet Union and the U.S. utilized it actively during the Cold War across diverse mediums.…
THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part III]

THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part III]

The Soviet Union’s active response to prominent American propaganda such as the Voice of America further demonstrated its influence on the public. The Voice of America was publicly denounced, discredited, and blocked many times in the Soviet Union to counteract its compelling influence. As the Voice of America started reaching through the Iron Curtain, the Soviet Union jammed the radio frequencies used by the U.S. in an attempt to…
THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part III]

THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part III]

On the other hand, the U.S. propaganda pieces told a somewhat different narrative. The U.S. public was without a doubt exposed to pro-capitalistic, pro-American propaganda, but the public was also exposed to propagandistic pieces containing criticisms of the U.S. since the media was not under the total control of the government. The cartoon on the left explicitly describes how the U.S. characterized itself in the media. The Western world,…
THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War

THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES: The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War

The access to space was yet another opportunity for the two countries to exert superiority over the other. Soviet Union, by winning the Space Race, demonstrated technological and scientific superiority over the U.S., which showed how despite the amount of pride the U.S. has for capitalism supporting their advancements, communism could do much better. The Soviet dominion of space was also a national threat to the U.S. because space…
THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES:The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part I]

THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES:The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part I]

The United States and the Soviet Union faced an unavoidable conflict of their ideologies: democracy and capitalism versus communism. Both countries sought to expand their ideologies while containing their opponents’. However, even with constant struggle, the two countries avoided direct military confrontation because both countries were aware that a violent outbreak could lead to mutually assured destruction by nuclear weapons. Therefore, the two global superpowers waged proxy wars in…
Pearl Prynne and <em>The Scarlet Letter</em>

Pearl Prynne and The Scarlet Letter

Most would consider young children to be unassuming, innocent, or naïve creatures who are unfamiliar with the scope of life. Under certain circumstances, however, some children are forced to develop rapidly, interacting with the world in ostensibly foreign ways. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pearl Prynne grows to become an evident example of this quality. Born an illegitimate child, Pearl was forced to navigate Puritan Massachusetts under…
Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part III]

Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part III]

Without searching up "sunscreen" + "black skin," the image of darker-skinned sunscreen use does not show up on Google, showing the rootedness of the social undermining of darker-skinned melanoma prevention. Recommendations In order to educate different populations on the danger of skin cancer and the importance of its prevention, numerous countries have implemented health interventions. Many of them focus on educating children, as damage from UV radiation is likely…
Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part II]

Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part II]

Sunscreen UV radiation exists in three forms, UVA, UVB, and UVC, in decreasing order of wavelength. While all of the UVC and most of the UVB rays are absorbed by the ozone layer, UVA rays reach and penetrate the skin, causing increased melanin production, premature skin aging, and melanoma development through gene damage and mutation (Bais et al., 2015; Del Bino et al., 2006; Miyamura et al., 2010; Young,…
Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part I]

Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part I]

One of the symptoms of melanoma; moles/darker spots in the skin Introduction Melanoma is one of the deadliest types of skin cancer. Around 132,000 people are diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer annually around the globe, and its incidence is estimated to increase as further depletion of the ozone layer brings more ultraviolet (UV) radiation to the Earth’s surface. Chronic exposure to UV radiation causes DNA damage, which can lead…