THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES:The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part I]

THE FEARFUL BATTLE OF IDEOLOGIES:The Use and Significance of Propaganda During the Cold War [Part I]

The United States and the Soviet Union faced an unavoidable conflict of their ideologies: democracy and capitalism versus communism. Both countries sought to expand their ideologies while containing their opponents’. However, even with constant struggle, the two countries avoided direct military confrontation because both countries were aware that a violent outbreak could lead to mutually assured destruction by nuclear weapons. Therefore, the two global superpowers waged proxy wars in…
Pearl Prynne and <em>The Scarlet Letter</em>

Pearl Prynne and The Scarlet Letter

Most would consider young children to be unassuming, innocent, or naïve creatures who are unfamiliar with the scope of life. Under certain circumstances, however, some children are forced to develop rapidly, interacting with the world in ostensibly foreign ways. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pearl Prynne grows to become an evident example of this quality. Born an illegitimate child, Pearl was forced to navigate Puritan Massachusetts under…
Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part III]

Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part III]

Without searching up "sunscreen" + "black skin," the image of darker-skinned sunscreen use does not show up on Google, showing the rootedness of the social undermining of darker-skinned melanoma prevention. Recommendations In order to educate different populations on the danger of skin cancer and the importance of its prevention, numerous countries have implemented health interventions. Many of them focus on educating children, as damage from UV radiation is likely…
Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part II]

Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part II]

Sunscreen UV radiation exists in three forms, UVA, UVB, and UVC, in decreasing order of wavelength. While all of the UVC and most of the UVB rays are absorbed by the ozone layer, UVA rays reach and penetrate the skin, causing increased melanin production, premature skin aging, and melanoma development through gene damage and mutation (Bais et al., 2015; Del Bino et al., 2006; Miyamura et al., 2010; Young,…
Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part I]

Racial Misperception: Danger of Melanoma Skin Cancer and Importance of Sunscreen [Part I]

One of the symptoms of melanoma; moles/darker spots in the skin Introduction Melanoma is one of the deadliest types of skin cancer. Around 132,000 people are diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer annually around the globe, and its incidence is estimated to increase as further depletion of the ozone layer brings more ultraviolet (UV) radiation to the Earth’s surface. Chronic exposure to UV radiation causes DNA damage, which can lead…
Interested in DNA-Based Data Storage?

Interested in DNA-Based Data Storage?

What is DNA-based Data Storage? As technology advances, data storage methods are becoming more diverse to suit the changing world and its needs better. Conventionally, data is stored in numerous storage centers, which are around 100,000 square feet large on average. However, a novel method of storing data in DNA is being developed, bringing a variety of new benefits and possibilities. As the name suggests, DNA-based data storage is…
Social Psychology

Social Psychology

Social Psychology is the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another. Check out the following terms to learn more about how you interact with the people around you! Attribution theory: the theory that we explain someone’s behavior by crediting either the situation or the person’s disposition. Fundamental attribution error: the tendency for observers, when analyzing others’ behavior, to underestimate the impact of the…
Optimism for Upward Social Mobility in Colonial America: Social and Political Perspectives

Optimism for Upward Social Mobility in Colonial America: Social and Political Perspectives

From the late-seventeenth to the mid-eighteenth century, Britain adopted a policy of salutary neglect, restraining from strictly enforcing colonial policies. Salutary neglect decreased British influence, leaving the colonies largely to govern themselves. With increased autonomy, British-American colonies developed distinct social and political structures. Socially, colonies developed a skill and wealth-oriented hierarchy that rejected noble titles. Politically, colonies established a governmental structure with great individual representation. Though limited, these two…
Massachusetts and Maryland: How These Colonies Shaped Current-Day America

Massachusetts and Maryland: How These Colonies Shaped Current-Day America

During the 17th century, thirteen British colonies rose along the east coast of North America. Diverse people settled in those colonies for various reasons: economic gain, seeking religious freedom, escaping their hometown, etc. With those different people, the colonies became unique; Distinctions in religion and government of the colonies, two frequently-intertwined factors, shaped the individual characteristics of states of the modern day. Massachusetts Bay and Maryland were built upon…