The Great Decline: A Look at Seasonal Affective Disorder and How it Impacts Students

The Great Decline: A Look at Seasonal Affective Disorder and How it Impacts Students Winter is depressing, and not just metaphorically. Darkness plagues the majority of the day, nights feel infinite, and many feel their mental health decrease during this time of year. This can be largely credited to the mental health condition known as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). As the name suggests, SAD is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as “a mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the…
Forty-two Kilometers

Forty-two Kilometers

Forty-two kilometers.  That’s not that much.  No, it is that much.  But I can’t back up.  I walk up to the white line that marks the start of the soon-to-come run. To the left and right, 61 men, already sweaty and pumped from their warm-up run, kick and punch the air, signaling their bodies to get ready for the most important run of the century. In German, the black…
The Summer of Strawberry Pound Cake

The Summer of Strawberry Pound Cake

The Summer of Strawberry Pound Cake The grass beneath you feels like fur, softly grazing your back and tickling your arm as you lay on the ground with your best friend.  You’ve been looking at her for a long time. Your eyes trace over her golden brown locks, her sun-kissed freckled face, her cherry blossom pink-tinted cheek, and finally, to her plump glossy rouge lip.  You feel adrenaline rush…
The Gilded Cage

The Gilded Cage

The wave of reality hit me hard. I had identified as an Asian female since birth but had not truly comprehended the consequences of this classification when living in America. The dreadful feeling of being attacked, whether by words or weapons, is what awaits me outside the bubble called school. This bubble, the same one that put me in an illusory haze, is what I have to break to…
Individual Complaint to the Human Rights Committee Under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Individual Complaint to the Human Rights Committee Under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

INDIVIDUAL COMPLAINT TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE UNDER THE OPTIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS 22 July 2020 I.  Information on the Complaint Author of the Petition:  Sarya DezmirVictim: Isaki DezmirRepresentation: Jungyeon Lee. The representative is acting by virtue of a power of attorney signed by Sarya Dezmir on July 14, 2020. II. State Concerned and Articles Violated State Party: Golenzik Articles Violated Article 19…
Foolish Fire

Foolish Fire

How did I end up here? Violent wind tangles Enzo’s already tousled hair turning it into a dark mesh of wayward strands. He blinks and tries to make sense of a foreign weight on his face. Has he been to a masquerade? No, it’s too heavy to be a carnival one. A gas mask. Why is he wearing a gas mask? The fog on the goggles clears a bit,…
Constrained Optimization in COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation [Part II]

Constrained Optimization in COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation [Part II]

In order to estimate the number of susceptible individuals in each county i, we need to consider the population size Ni and the total current COVID-19 cases Ci. Considering these factors, the estimate is given by : Ni − Ci    The Ni of the 14 Massachusetts counties ranges from 11,801 of Nantucket County to 1,618,160 of Middlesex County as of 2021. Ci is determined by data from the Massachusetts…