Interested in DNA-Based Data Storage?

Interested in DNA-Based Data Storage?

What is DNA-based Data Storage? As technology advances, data storage methods are becoming more diverse to suit the changing world and its needs better. Conventionally, data is stored in numerous storage centers, which are around 100,000 square feet large on average. However, a novel method of storing data in DNA is being developed, bringing a variety of new benefits and possibilities. As the name suggests, DNA-based data storage is…
Towards the Future: DNA-Based Data Storage

Towards the Future: DNA-Based Data Storage

DNA-Based Data Storage is becoming increasingly popular as digital data in the world increases. Learn about how one gram of DNA can account for billions of data, all the way from documents to videos! Team Korea_HS is a team of Clara Shin, founder of Connect Study and Northfield Mount Hermon School '23, Sean Lim, Stony Brook School '23, and many other high school students.
Access Control In Programming Languages

Access Control In Programming Languages

Nowadays, technologies have taken over the entire world by becoming our greatest tools. The politics surrounding our lives have also began to lean towards a fundamental value of human rights: Privacy. When developers produce software, they must be attentive to protect the privacy of the users by enforcing the security of the program. Luckily, in major programming languages, we are gifted with Access Control. A lot of people began…