The Gilded Cage

The Gilded Cage

The wave of reality hit me hard. I had identified as an Asian female since birth but had not truly comprehended the consequences of this classification when living in America. The dreadful feeling of being attacked, whether by words or weapons, is what awaits me outside the bubble called school. This bubble, the same one that put me in an illusory haze, is what I have to break to…
The ‘Dumb Blonde’ Narrative

The ‘Dumb Blonde’ Narrative

I’ve been blonde for as long as I can remember. My childhood was filled with ‘dumb blonde’ jokes, and even after my bright locks faded to a light brown, I felt connected to the hair color. So much so, in fact, that I began dying my hair back to blonde at the age of 14. However, this hair color has always subjected me to playground insults. Classic ‘dumb blonde’…
A Tale of Climate Change: The Monk’s Fate [Part II]

A Tale of Climate Change: The Monk’s Fate [Part II]

I immediately started drawing parallels between this story and climate change. Maybe it was because of the class I am currently taking (Global Ethics and Climate Change), or a history paper I wrote about environmental advocacy between the 1950s to 1980s, but regardless, the connections became pretty clear to me. The tiger on the verge of eating the monk can be likened to our climate reaching its ‘carbon budget,’…
A Tale of Climate Change: The Monk’s Fate [Part I]

A Tale of Climate Change: The Monk’s Fate [Part I]

Five years ago, sitting in the passenger seat of the car, all I could hear was a mixture of engine noise, wind, and my dad’s mumbling. I could stare out the window in peace. When we drove by the river at dusk, apartment towers on the waterfront created beautiful reflections in the dark waters, much like Van Gogh’s Starry Night. In Seoul’s urbanized version of the pastoral scene, windows…